Cloud Data Fabric - Interconnect all data sources & Cloud Data Graph Reasoning

At, our mission is to provide a comprehensive platform for implementing data fabric graphs that enable better data governance and data lineage. We strive to empower our users with the tools and knowledge necessary to effectively manage their data assets, ensuring data quality, security, and compliance. Our goal is to make data fabric implementation accessible and easy to use for businesses of all sizes, enabling them to make informed decisions based on accurate and reliable data.

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Data fabric is a term used to describe a set of technologies and practices that enable organizations to manage their data more effectively. It involves the use of various tools and techniques to create a unified view of data across different systems and platforms. This cheatsheet is designed to provide an overview of the key concepts, topics, and categories related to data fabric graph implementation for better data governance and data lineage.

  1. Data Fabric

Data fabric is a concept that refers to the integration of various data sources into a single, unified view. It involves the use of technologies such as data virtualization, data integration, and data management to create a seamless data environment. The goal of data fabric is to enable organizations to access and analyze their data more effectively, regardless of where it is stored or how it is structured.

  1. Graph Databases

Graph databases are a type of database that uses graph structures to store and organize data. They are particularly useful for managing complex relationships between data points, such as those found in social networks, recommendation engines, and fraud detection systems. Graph databases are designed to be highly scalable and flexible, making them ideal for use in large-scale data environments.

  1. Data Governance

Data governance is the process of managing the availability, usability, integrity, and security of data used in an organization. It involves the development of policies, procedures, and standards for data management, as well as the implementation of tools and technologies to support these efforts. The goal of data governance is to ensure that data is accurate, reliable, and secure, and that it is used in a way that is consistent with organizational goals and objectives.

  1. Data Lineage

Data lineage is the process of tracking the flow of data from its origin to its final destination. It involves the use of tools and techniques to trace the path of data through various systems and processes, and to identify any transformations or modifications that occur along the way. The goal of data lineage is to provide a complete picture of how data is used within an organization, and to ensure that it is being used in a way that is consistent with organizational policies and standards.

  1. Data Virtualization

Data virtualization is a technique that allows organizations to access and use data from multiple sources as if it were stored in a single location. It involves the use of middleware to create a virtual layer between data sources and applications, enabling data to be accessed and used in real-time. Data virtualization is particularly useful for organizations that have large amounts of data stored in disparate systems and platforms.

  1. Data Integration

Data integration is the process of combining data from multiple sources into a single, unified view. It involves the use of tools and techniques to extract, transform, and load data from various sources, and to ensure that it is consistent and accurate. Data integration is particularly useful for organizations that have multiple data sources that need to be combined and analyzed.

  1. Data Management

Data management is the process of organizing, storing, and maintaining data in a way that is consistent with organizational policies and standards. It involves the development of data models, the implementation of data security measures, and the use of tools and technologies to manage data throughout its lifecycle. The goal of data management is to ensure that data is accurate, reliable, and secure, and that it is used in a way that is consistent with organizational goals and objectives.

  1. Data Security

Data security is the process of protecting data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, or destruction. It involves the implementation of policies, procedures, and technologies to ensure that data is secure throughout its lifecycle. Data security is particularly important for organizations that handle sensitive or confidential data, such as financial information, personal data, or intellectual property.

  1. Data Quality

Data quality is the measure of the accuracy, completeness, and consistency of data. It involves the use of tools and techniques to ensure that data is accurate, reliable, and consistent, and that it is used in a way that is consistent with organizational policies and standards. Data quality is particularly important for organizations that rely on data to make critical business decisions.

  1. Data Analytics

Data analytics is the process of analyzing data to extract insights and make informed business decisions. It involves the use of tools and techniques to identify patterns, trends, and relationships in data, and to use this information to inform business strategy and decision-making. Data analytics is particularly useful for organizations that have large amounts of data that need to be analyzed and interpreted.


Data fabric graph implementation for better data governance and data lineage is a complex topic that involves the use of various tools and techniques to manage data effectively. This cheatsheet provides an overview of the key concepts, topics, and categories related to this topic, including data fabric, graph databases, data governance, data lineage, data virtualization, data integration, data management, data security, data quality, and data analytics. By understanding these concepts and how they relate to each other, organizations can develop effective strategies for managing their data and using it to inform business decisions.

Common Terms, Definitions and Jargon

1. Data Fabric: A unified architecture that enables seamless data integration, management, and sharing across multiple systems and platforms.
2. Graph Database: A database that uses graph structures to represent and store data, with nodes and edges representing entities and relationships.
3. Data Governance: The process of managing the availability, usability, integrity, and security of data used in an organization.
4. Data Lineage: The ability to track the origin, movement, and transformation of data across different systems and processes.
5. Metadata: Data that describes other data, such as data types, formats, structures, and relationships.
6. Data Integration: The process of combining data from different sources into a single, unified view.
7. Data Management: The process of organizing, storing, protecting, and maintaining data throughout its lifecycle.
8. Data Quality: The degree to which data meets the requirements and expectations of its intended use.
9. Data Security: The protection of data from unauthorized access, use, disclosure, disruption, modification, or destruction.
10. Data Privacy: The protection of personal and sensitive data from unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.
11. Data Catalog: A centralized repository of metadata that provides a searchable inventory of data assets.
12. Data Pipeline: A series of interconnected processes that move data from one system to another.
13. Data Warehouse: A centralized repository of data that is optimized for querying and analysis.
14. Data Lake: A centralized repository of raw, unstructured, and semi-structured data that is optimized for storage and processing.
15. ETL: Extract, Transform, Load - The process of extracting data from source systems, transforming it into a format suitable for analysis, and loading it into a target system.
16. ELT: Extract, Load, Transform - The process of extracting data from source systems, loading it into a target system, and then transforming it into a format suitable for analysis.
17. API: Application Programming Interface - A set of protocols and tools for building software applications and enabling communication between different systems.
18. REST API: Representational State Transfer Application Programming Interface - A type of API that uses HTTP requests to access and manipulate data.
19. GraphQL: A query language for APIs that enables clients to specify the data they need and receive only that data in response.
20. JSON: JavaScript Object Notation - A lightweight data interchange format that is easy for humans to read and write and easy for machines to parse and generate.

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